PCC supports “Verein Gemeinsam gegen Kälte Duisburg e.V.” in its work helping the homeless

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· Donation of € 15,000 enables provision of medicines and clothing for a year.
· Check handed over by PCC management on January 17, 2019.
· Duisburg-based PCC underlines its social engagement in its home city.

The PCC supports the Gemeinsam gegen Kälte Duisburg e.V. association with a donation of 15,000 euros. This allows the homeless aid to cover, among other things, the need for medications and clothing for one year.

For over 20 years, the association has provided social and medical care to people in Duisburg who live without accommodation on the streets or are threatened by homelessness. In addition, there are increasingly people who, due to financial and personal difficulties, are no longer able to cope with their everyday lives on their own and are looking for advice and support from the association’s staff.

With two aid and assistance vehicles, the volunteers are on the road several days a week throughout the year to check on the affected people at meeting points across Duisburg. The “KälteBus” (“anti-cold bus”) mobile care unit provides homeless people with clothing and food, among other things, and gives them advice on their personal problems. The ambulance or “MediBus,” currently crewed by a team of five doctors and five nurses, provides medical care to people on the street.

“With its mobile concept, the association is reaching out to people who can no longer reach many other facilities – including government institutions,” says Ulrike Warnecke, Managing Director of PCC SE. “We are delighted to be able to support the ‘Verein Gemeinsam gegen Kälte Duisburg’ in its important work.”

Chairman of the homeless relief association, Kurt Schreiber, adds: “Since our charity receives no public funds or other regular grants or subsidies, we are dependent on donations and are, of course, grateful for this large sum from PCC. This donation will cover, in particular, the need for medicines, clothing such as coats, gloves, hats, scarves and shoes for one year.”
The check was handed over by PCC Managing Director Warnecke to the management of “Verein Gemeinsam gegen Kälte Duisburg” on January 17, 2019, at the headquarters of PCC SE in Duisburg-Homberg.

The donation serves to further underline PCC’s social engagement in the location of the Group’s Duisburg headquarters. The internationally active chemicals group has been supporting social and community initiatives for years – both in Duisburg and abroad. Since 2003, for example, PCC has been the main sponsor of fifth-tier (“Oberliga”) men’s soccer club VfB Homberg e. V. and the name sponsor of the PCC stadium. In the social field, PCC supported the Duisburg-based child protection association “Kinderschutzbund Duisburg” in its PlusPunktDU outreach project last year.

Internationally, PCC is active in Africa on behalf of AIDS orphans and supports the non-governmental organization AOHM Amani Orphans’ Home Mbigili in Tanzania. In Poland, PCC subsidiaries such as PCC Rokita SA and PCC Exol SA have garnered several international ranking awards in the field of corporate social responsibility (CSR).


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Annual Report 2023
Susanne Biskamp
Head of Marketing & Public Relations
Phone: +49 (0)2066 2019-35
Fax: +49 (0)2066 2019-72
Email: pr@pcc.eu