PCC supports charity “Verein Gemeinsam gegen Kälte Duisburg e.V.” in its work to help the homeless

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· Donation check handed over by PCC management on January 27, 2020.
· PCC underlines its social engagement in its home city.

As in the previous year, PCC is supporting the homeless relief charity “Verein Gemeinsam gegen Kälte Duisburg e.V.” with a donation of 15,000 euros.

For over two decades, the non-profit association has been looking after people in Duisburg who are homeless or threatened with homelessness. In addition, there are ever-increasing numbers of people who, due to financial and personal problems, are no longer able to cope with their everyday lives on their own and are looking for advice and assistance from the charity’s staff.

With two vehicles, the volunteers of the charity “Gemeinsam gegen Kälte Duisburg” are on the road several days a week throughout the year, providing support and care for the needy. The “KälteBus” (“anti-cold van”) mobile care unit provides homeless people with clothing and food, among other things, and gives them advice on their personal problems. The ambulance or “MediBus,” currently crewed by a team of five doctors and five nurses, provides medical care to people on the street. This care effort is aimed primarily at people who are not covered by health insurance or who, due to their outward appearance or addiction problems, have little access to medical practices or hospitals.

The donation check was handed over by PCC Managing Director Ulrike Warnecke to the management of “Verein Gemeinsam gegen Kälte Duisburg” on January 27, 2020, against the backdrop of Duisburg’s theatre. “We very much appreciate the essential local assistance being provided by this charitable association and are glad to continue supporting its efforts,” said Ulrike Warnecke. Kurt Schreiber, who serves as Chairman of the charity in Duisburg, expressed his thanks for the financial support, underlining its importance in enabling the continuation of the aid work of his organization. The association is dependent on donations as it does not receive public funds or any other regular subsidies. For the most part, the donation will flow back immediately into aid through the purchase of food, clothing and medication, Kurt Schreiber explained, adding that “a small part” was to be saved for a new MediBus. The old van is – in his words – “well beyond repair”.

The donation constitutes a further continuation of PCC’s social engagement in the environs of the Group’s Duisburg headquarters. PCC has been supporting social and community initiatives for years – both in Duisburg and abroad. Since 2003, for example, PCC SE has been the main sponsor of fifth-tier (“Oberliga”) men’s soccer club VfB Homberg e. V. and the name sponsor of the PCC stadium. In the social field, PCC has in recent years supported not only the charity “Gemeinsam gegen Kälte” but also the German Child Protection Association “Deutscher Kinderschutzbund” in Duisburg. Internationally, PCC has been active in Africa on behalf of AIDS orphans and supported the non-governmental organization AOHM Amani Orphans’ Home Mbigili in Tanzania. And in Poland, PCC subsidiaries such as PCC Rokita SA and PCC Exol SA have garnered several international ranking awards in the field of corporate social responsibility (CSR).


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Annual Report 2023
Susanne Biskamp
Head of Marketing & Public Relations
Phone: +49 (0)2066 2019-35
Fax: +49 (0)2066 2019-72
Email: pr@pcc.eu