PCC donates another 10,000 euros to local homeless charity Gemeinsam gegen Kälte Duisburg e.V.

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PCC donates 10,000 euros again this winter to the association Gemeinsam gegen Kälte Duisburg e.V. With this, PCC SE continues a tradition that has now been ongoing for several years, as the Duisburg-based company has been supporting the work of the non-profit association annually since 2019 with generous cash donations now totaling 70,000 €. The association was founded over 25 years ago by citizens of Duisburg. The volunteer staff are committed to helping people who have fallen to the margins of our society, and they particularly help people in Duisburg who are homeless or at risk of homelessness. Increasingly, they are also assisting people who can no longer cope with their daily lives due to financial and personal problems.

On February 1, 2024, PCC SE handed over a donation of 10,000 euros to local homeless charity Gemeinsam gegen Kälte Dusiburg e.V., supporting social and medical care work for homeless people in Duisburg. Image credits: PCC SE

Ulrike Warnecke, Member of the Executive Board of PCC SE, presented the donation check to Roland Meier, 1st Chairman of the charity Gemeinsam gegen Kälte Duisburg e.V., on February 1, 2024. Apart from them, Mayor Sören Link and Astrid Neese, Head of the city’s education and social affairs department, also attended the check handover ceremony in front of Duisburg’s city hall. „Through this follow-on donation, we wish to express our gratitude to the Gemeinsam gegen Kälte Duisburg e.V. charity and its numerous volunteers for their tireless efforts“, said Ulrike Warnecke. „We are glad to be able to contribute to the continued success of their work for the sixth time in a row now.”

„This repeated generous donation from PCC is extremely important to us and makes us very happy”, the charity’s first chairman Roland Meier explained. „When it comes to medical and social care work, we completely depend on donations as our charity does not receive any public funding or other regular subsidies. All the while, poverty is becoming increasingly visible in Duisburg and other cities struggling with high unemployment. It is our mission and motivation to enable people at the margins of society to regain participation and to counsel and support them along this journey.”

The donations from PCC SE have so far enabled, among other things, the financing of emergency vehicles. A new cold bus could be purchased and the MediBus for medical care of homeless people could be completely overhauled. With the Cold Bus mobile care unit, the association provides homeless people with clothing and food, among other things. The MediBus ambulance provides medical care to people on the street with a team of volunteer doctors, nurses, drivers, and other staff. This care particularly helps people who are not health insured or who have little access to doctor’s offices or hospitals. With the renewed donation to the Duisburg homeless aid, PCC underlines its social commitment in the vicinity of its group headquarters. PCC has been supporting social and community initiatives for decades – both in Duisburg and internationally. In Duisburg, PCC has been the main sponsor of the Oberliga club VfB Homberg e.V. since 2003 and is the namesake of the PCC Stadium. In the social sector, in recent years PCC has supported not only the association Gemeinsam gegen Kälte Duisburg e.V. but also the German Child Protection Association in Duisburg. In Poland, group companies such as PCC Rokita SA and PCC Exol SA have received multiple awards in international rankings for socially responsible corporate action (Corporate Social Responsibility, CSR). For more information about the association Gemeinsam gegen Kälte Duisburg e.V., please visit: https://gemeinsam-gegen-kaelte-duisburg.de/


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Annual Report 2023
Susanne Biskamp
Head of Marketing & Public Relations
Phone: +49 (0)2066 2019-35
Fax: +49 (0)2066 2019-72
Email: pr@pcc.eu