PCC donates 10,000 euros to the Gemeinsam gegen Kälte Duisburg e.V. organization.

Latest News

· Support for the care of homeless people in Duisburg
· Check presentation by the management of PCC SE on March 3, 2021
· PCC SE underlines its social commitment at the group headquarters in Duisburg

Duisburg, March 3, 2021. With a donation of 10,000 euros, PCC supports the Gemeinsam gegen Kälte Duisburg e.V. organization, as it has done in the previous two years. With tireless commitment, the volunteer staff of the non-profit organization have been caring for people in Duisburg who are homeless or at risk of homelessness for over two decades. The COVID-19 crisis has further exacerbated the situation of homeless people, and the engagement of Gemeinsam gegen Kälte Duisburg e.V. is more necessary than ever. The check was presented by Ulrike Warnecke, Managing Director of PCC SE, to the management of Gemeinsam gegen Kälte Duisburg on March 3, 2021, at the PCC Stadium. “We are very pleased to support Gemeinsam gegen Kälte Duisburg in their important work during this difficult time,” said Warnecke. “With its mobile concept, the organization helps people who many other institutions – including government ones – no longer reach.”

Read an article about the official check presentation in the NRZ from March 9, 2021.

Kurt Schreiber, who leads the non-profit organization in Duisburg as chairman, explained: “Since our organization does not receive public funds or other regular subsidies, we rely on donations and are grateful for this renewed large donation from PCC.” The coronavirus pandemic poses special challenges for the organization: “We are not only fighting against the cold, but also against COVID-19. People on the streets need us especially now during the lockdown,” said Schreiber. “At the same time, many of our staff members themselves belong to the high-risk age groups for COVID-19 and can no longer be deployed everywhere.” A large part of the donations from PCC SE enabled the financing of operational vehicles, allowing for the purchase of a new Cold Bus and a complete overhaul of the MediBus. With these two vehicles, the organization’s volunteer staff seek out those in need several times a week throughout the year. The Cold Bus mobile care unit provides homeless people with clothing, food, and life counseling, among other services. The MediBus ambulance provides medical care to people on the street with a team of currently five doctors and five nurses. This care is primarily for people who are uninsured or have little access to doctor’s offices or hospitals. With this donation, PCC continues its social engagement in the vicinity of its group headquarters. PCC has been supporting social and community initiatives for years – both in Duisburg and abroad. For instance, PCC has been the main sponsor of the regional league club VfB Homberg e.V. since 2003 and is the namesake of the PCC Stadium. In the social sector, PCC has supported not only the Gemeinsam gegen Kälte Duisburg organization but also the German Child Protection Association in Duisburg in recent years. In Poland, group companies such as PCC Rokita SA and PCC Exol SA have been repeatedly recognized in international rankings for corporate social responsibility (CSR).


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Susanne Biskamp
Head of Marketing & Public Relations
Phone: +49 (0)2066 2019-35
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Email: pr@pcc.eu