High-tech component for lithium-ion batteries

The start-up PCC Thorion GmbH, a 100% subsidiary of PCC SE, develops and markets innovative battery components based on nano-silicon powder. Together with Fraunhofer ISE, PCC Thorion GmbH is developing a composite material made of silicon and carbon to increase the performance of lithium-ion batteries. As an anode active material, the high-tech component offers several times higher energy density than the commonly used graphite and therefore significantly increases the capacity of lithium-ion batteries. This enables considerably longer ranges. Shorter charging times for electric cars, for example, are also aimed for. In their cooperation, the two partners use silicon as a starting material, which the PCC company PCC BakkiSilicon hf. produces in Iceland sustainably and climate-friendly, 100 percent with green electricity from geothermal energy. The silicon metal powder from PCC with fineness in the nanometer range is integrated into a silicon-carbon composite technology developed by Fraunhofer ISE.

Cooperation partners

PCC SE: Climate-neutral production of silicon metal in Iceland Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems ISE, Freiburg: Development of a silicon-carbon composite material for lithium-ion batteries; scaling up to industrial-scale production


The silicon-carbon composite developed by PCC SE and Fraunhofer ISE significantly increases both the energy density and the fast-charging capability of lithium-ion batteries. The novel material thus enables a significant increase in battery capacity and therefore also much longer journey times without charging stops in automotive applications.
The high-end composite is designed as a drop-in solution, allowing for the easy replacement of graphite in existing battery cell manufacturing lines.

Objective of PCC:

Exploring an additional field of application in battery technology for the silicon metal produced by PCC BakkiSilicon hf. in Iceland. This field of application has high demand potential due to the general trend towards CO2-neutral applications (climate protection goals of Germany, the EU, and at the international level). The performance improvements of lithium-ion batteries achieved through the innovation of PCC SE and Fraunhofer ISE are particularly in high demand for applications in electromobility, a key application of climate-neutral economic activity. For PCC SE, the cooperation is another step in the strategy to further develop the portfolio with sustainable key solutions that contribute to addressing global challenges, especially climate change.

Project description

Am 21. Dezember 2021 unterzeichneten die PCC SE und das Frauenhofer ISE die Verträge über eine langfristige Forschungs- und Entwicklungs-Kooperation.

Gründung des Start-ups PCC Thorion GmbH zur Entwicklung und Vermarktung innovativer Batteriekomponenten auf Basis von Nano-Silizium-Pulver.

Project status
  • Current
  • Germany  / 
  • Iceland

Further investments