New plant for ethoxylation at PCC Exol SA
Long-term site advantages secured. The ethoxylation plant commissioned by PCC Exol SA on May 19, 2011 for the manufacture of surfactants is strategically located at the oil refinery and petrochemicals site of PKN Orlen S.A. in Płock, some 100 kilometers north-west of Warsaw.
New sulfonation plant for PCC Exol SA in Brzeg Dolny
The purpose of building the plant was to quadruple production capacity for anionic surfactants. Today PCC Exol SA operates two ethoxylation and two sulfonation plants at its Polish sites in Brzeg Dolny and Płock. The total capacity of this chemicals plant amounts to 60,000 metric tons of non-ionic surfactants (ethoxylates) and 40,000 metric tons of […]
New pilot production plant at PCC Chemax, Inc.
Since completing its own blending and filling plant in 2011, our US subsidiary PCC Chemax, Inc. (Surfactants segment) has been able to respond even more flexibly to customer demands without having to depend on subsuppliers.
Expansion of consumer goods production
The purpose of our investments in the expansion and modernization of our production facilities in the Consumer Products segment is to take our FMCG business into the emerging markets of Eastern Europe. New sales and distribution structures are to be created in, for example, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan. Plans are also in place to further […]
Project to secure renewable raw materials in Africa
Our long-term aim in developing a raw material base in Ghana (West Africa) is to secure supplies e.g. of palm kernel oil for, in particular, surfactants production, in line with our sustainability criteria. Palm kernel oil is an important feedstock in the production of certain surfactants.